Born in Hawaii, musical theatre has been in Kim's blood since her dad used to blast a
Phantom cast recording cassette in their car on the way to school. An avid blogger, Kim writes for Ryan Scott Oliver's
Crazytown blog and occasionally guest blogs for book business blog
Publishing Trendsetter. She currently is the Editorial Manager of
Publishing Trends and has contributed articles that have appeared in
Publishing Perspectives, Content Licensing, and the programs from Publishers Launch DBW and Frankfurt Book Fair children's conferences. A graduate of NYU, she is also a published playwright with one-acts
Last Night in London and
Retail Rage or How I Spent My Summer Vacation available for licensing with Playscripts, Inc. She also co-wrote (with Gabriella Miyares)
Searching for Candi: A Play About Porn, Vengeance, and... Friendship which received its first production with Project: Theatre at Mt. Holyoke College. Her latest play,
Other People's Children, was featured in The Beautiful Soup Collective's new works reading series and was a Semi-Finalist for the O'Neill Playwrights Conference and Ashland New Plays Festival.
Email her at:
And, in the event you'd rather hear about this blog in a song...
The Emerging Musical Theatre tribute song by
Jeff Luppino-Esposito and Matt Savarese